Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Days 12 - 21

Life has a way of making you realize that you have so much to be grateful for.      Here are days twelve through twenty-one.   

Day 12 - This is Rosslyn, Courtney's precious little baby girl who we have fallen head over heals in love with and are grateful to have in our lives. Can you see why we love her? She is over the top way too cute!

Day 13 -   I couldn't think of a better way to say this:

Day 14 - As I sit here this morning enjoying a cup of coffee with the sun beaming brightly through the window warming our home (And our dog Jazz basking in the sun next to my feet), I am grateful that I have the opportunity to work in my home office. It's a gift I treasure every day.

Day 15 - Grateful today that I have to opportunity to plan for meals each day. As much as we all can complain about coming up with ideas for dinner, we are never hungry and always have food on the table. What's for dinner tonight in your home? For us, tonight is venison tenderloins. Can't wait to prepare it, can't wait to eat it!

Day 16 - I am so grateful for an incredibly busy day and the best part is, it's about to become even busier. I can't wait to share all that is going on right now with the business.

Days 17 - 19 - I am grateful for answered prayers, having my children know what is most important in life, family gathering to support one another, and continual cherished memories. This past week-end, my Father In Law developed an infection and was put into intensive care. He was very sick and we were all extremely concerned. He is out of intensive care and has been doing much better the last couple of days. We never know what direction our life will take. All we can do is rely on each other and share the greatest gifts we have - our prayers and our love. The rest is just a bonus.

Day 20 - I will always be grateful for a beautiful woman that I had the honor of calling Mom. It has been ten months since we lost her and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. With the holidays approaching and our first Thanksgiving and Christmas without her, I am treasuring the past and grateful that we had her as long as we did. Take some time this holiday season to spend with your loved ones. It's worth far more than any gift you can ever put under a tree.   

My Beautiful Mother, Joyce Savory

Day 21 - I am grateful that I have the priviledge of going to the store today and each week for groceries. The grocery stores will be full today in preparation for tomorrow. Instead of being hurried today, I plan on enjoying the task before me. Seeing all the people makes me realize that many families and friends will get together, share a meal, and enjoy each other's company.     
Balanced Care would like to let you know that we are grateful for you and wish you all the blessings of health and happiness on Thanksgiving and always.      

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Showing gratitude Days 6 - 11

It has been a beautiful journey being more aware of everything that brings me gratitude each day.     Here are days 6 - 11:

Day 6 - I am grateful for the freedom to vote. It's a priviledge that has been fought for and even died for. It's a day that less than 5% of the world's population throughout history have been able to do. It's a day that I am proud to live in this country and have the opportunity to have my voice heard.

Day 7 - I am grateful that I woke up this morning and chose not to turn on the television or read any other negative comments about this election. Instead, I have a list of random acts of kindness that I can't wait to do. Who's with me?

Day 8 - Today I am especially grateful for our warm home. Although you may think this means the heat that comes on to warm our home, it also means the love that continues to grow inside our home. We have plenty of dust around, dishes that continually need to be washed each night, and laundry piles, but together we get it done and feel blessed to be able to do so.

Day 9 - I will always be grateful to Cecelia Furente Esposito for giving me the opportunity to not only work in a business that I love, but giving me the opportunity to own a business that I love. Business is hard work and it is never easy, however, when you look into a client's eyes that now understands their coverage, is now protected, and continually hear how they will sleep better, it is all worth it.

Day 10 - I am grateful for moments; both past and present. Friday evenings were an evening I would spend with my Mother. We would go out to eat, stay in and enjoy a cup of tea together, or just do errands. After her death, Friday nights were and still are the hardest evening for me to face. Last Friday night, I heard a knock on the door. Courtney Gray (Michael's girlfriend) was ...
there with her precious little baby daughter, Rosslyn, all dressed up as a lamb for Halloween. It was a moment that I will forever cherish. Last night, Christina Spurling (Andrew's wife - I love saying that) invited me to where she teaches for a soup and cider night (I had the most amazing soup - pumpkin lobster) and then to her art studio where her work is being featured this week-end. My heart beamed with pride as I watched her direct her students in music and then watched her talk with strangers about her art work. Another moment that I will cherish. Thank you girls - I hope you know how much you are appreciated.
Day 11 - I am grateful today and everyday for not only the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect all of us here at home, but their families that support them. To all of you, Happy Veterans Day. To me, everyday is your day and we are blessed for all you have done and are still doing.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Days 2 - 5

Continuing with expressing gratitude, here are days two through five.   

Day 2 - For my second day of gratitude, I am so grateful for my best friend and the love of my life - my husband, John. We were in love the day we were married and today, that love still continues to blossom. Marriage is like a garden - If we sit back and expect it to take care of itself, it will be in ruin. I am grateful that together we have tended to our garden - one another and never let a day go by without watering it.

Day 3 - Today I am grateful for my two sons, Michael and Andrew. I never knew how much love you could possibly hold in your heart until I had these two little boys that have grown into wonderful and loving young men. "A wee bit of heaven drifted down from above, A handful of happiness, and a heart full of love" - Thank you, Michael and Andrew, for the uniqueness you each hold and the blessings you continually bring.
Day 4 - I am so grateful for my sweet daughter in law, Christina. In the beginning of 2009 while Andrew was away at college, he called home letting me know he wanted to share something. I immediately asked, "What's her name? (A Mother knows)    He went on to talk for several minutes about Christina and I knew from the sound in his voice, he had found a very special young woman. She came to visit us the next month and right away, I knew she was more than special, I knew that she was the one. Christina, you are not only a blessing to Andrew, but to all of our family and we love you.
Day 5 -  I am grateful for this beautiful young woman who has come into our son, Michael's life and captured all of our hearts.     Courtney Gray, Michael is smiling from ear to ear since meeting you and we are happy you have put that smile on his face. God bless you, sweetie.
After starting sharing what I am most grateful for, I saw this quote and it seems fitting to share with you.     "The more grateful we become, the more we experience grace in our life."     

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's November - A Month of Gratitude

Always working towards goals in not only my business, but in my personal life, I frequently meet with other business owners as a way of being held accountable for achieving those goals.    This month, it was agreed upon that we would journal or list things each day that we are grateful for.     Since it is November 1st, it's time to get started.      You can keep up with my list on Facebook or check in here every few days as I work on my list daily.    And, if you would like to join in on the challenge, I'd love to hear from you.    

To start off, I'm grateful for my faith in God. Without this faith, I'm can't begin to comprehend where I would be right now. There are so many things that can keep you up at night - fear and worry to name a few and to be honest, they have kept me up on many occasions. Instead, I have had to learn (and am still learning) to put my trust in God and my faith becomes the most comfortable pillow I can rest my head upon.