Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Eye Opener

Since the beginning of this year, I have been on a quest to analyze my business to make sure that I am doing what I can to promote myself.     It's never an easy task especially when you have a very small business budget, however, several things have happened in the last month that have been eye opening.      

Just a few weeks ago, I ran into a friend at the grocery store.     Once we caught up on our families, the subject of our work came up.      She knew that I did insurance, however, she wasn't fully aware of all the products that are offered to clients.     This became painfully evident when I handed her my business card and she realized that I offered Medicare insurance.     She let me know that had she known that I offered Medicare, she would have gladly referred me to a friend of hers a few months prior.       To make matters worse, just last week-end, I ran into another friend while running errands.     The same thing happened when she read my business card except for this time, it was about Life Insurance.       This was eye opening as it made me realize that I haven't done as good of a job as I should have about promoting what is offered and to whom I serve.    

The truth is that I assumed  that others know exactly what Balanced Care does, but obviously, they didn't.      Another friend and business owner just shared with me yesterday something that she offered to her clients and I wasn't aware of.     I've known her for years and still didn't know about this one piece to her business.     With this is mind, I will be focusing on sending out a series of letters to family and friends to ensure that I am doing my part so this experience won't happen again.     This blog is really about people getting to know me and the person behind the business.     I'm human, I do make mistakes, however, I have also learned to keep my eyes open to the needs in the community and my clients.    This is the first of many letters that I plan on sending out.     Please feel free to share and by all means, please let me know of any suggestions or questions you may have.     I'm open and would love your feedback.   

The first letter:


About three weeks ago, I ran into a friend at the grocery store.     After catching up on our families, the subject of work came up.     When we both shared what we doing, she let me know that she wished she would have known what I did a few months ago.   The reason was because she could have referred me, but didn’t know what I did.      This brought the reality that I haven’t done as good of a job as I should have by sharing exactly what I do and who I serve.     With this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to send you a series of letters to give you more insight into my day with the hope that this experience won’t happen again.    

Most people know that I work with insurance and to be honest, I completely understand that the majority of people don’t like it.   Because I have seen firsthand both personally and with my clients the value that insurance brings,   I continue to love what I do.    In my business, I serve our senior population, businesses, and individuals.     I strictly work within the scope of both health and life insurance.   Because that involves many insurance products, it is much easier to go through just a few at a time.    In this letter, I will concentrate on our senior population and how they are helped through my business.        

I have to be honest and share that the age of 65 is hardly a senior; however, this is when most people become eligible for Medicare.    About six months to a year prior to their 65th birthday, Medicare beneficiaries will begin to receive countless books, sales and marketing materials, and postcards from insurance companies.     This is so overwhelming and leaves many not sure what direction to take.     They wonder if they need a Medicare Supplemental Plan, a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, or a Medicare Advantage Plan.     They are told they can be penalized for not signing up for Medicare when they are first eligible, but don’t understand when that is.     They are also told that having a Prescription Drug Plan isn’t required, yet if they don’t have one, they can be penalized.    Many people work beyond the age of 65 and wonder if they need to sign up for Medicare.    Can you why they are overwhelmed?   If that isn’t enough to be confused about, each year between October 15th and December 7th, they can analyze their current plan and make changes.   Because Medicare is always changing, my recommendation is to start looking at options three to six months prior to your 65th birthday so you will have the most current information and ample time to grasp what exactly you need to do to ensure coverage and prevent penalties.        

For more information on Medicare or any of the other products offered through Balanced Care, please visit my website at    I’m also active on social media with Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter and would love to keep connected with you.     

With love,  


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happy Anniversary, my love

Twenty nine years ago at 4:00 in the afternoon, I walked into a room full of family and friends.     The one person that I had my eyes on was the man that was the love of my life.    That man is now my husband and has been ever since that afternoon on May 26, 1984.       

I still remember every single moment of that day.      Standing side by side, exchanging vows, joining hands, and being pronounced husband and wife was more than I ever dreamed of.        

John - I am blessed to be your wife.    I am honored to still be standing next to you, still holding your hand, and walking together with God's grace.   

                                                      Happy Anniversary, my love.      

Saturday, May 18, 2013

One Little Heartbeat at a Time

Last week-end, mothers across the country celebrated Mother's Day.     Whether you are a Mom, a Step-Mom, an adopted mom, or a grandmother, we all celebrated together with homemade cards, jewelry made out of noodles, handprints, and maybe breakfast in bed.   

For some, they celebrated Mother's Day missing their child and longed to have their little one in their arms.     For some, they celebrated either their first, second, or more without their Mother.      One of my sisters and I spent the day before Mother's Day visiting my Mother's grave, planting vines and flowers, and sitting there together with her.    

As I sat at brunch the next day enjoying my family and feeling so blessed to be in their company, I thought of her of how thankful I was that she was my Mother.    She taught me to love deeply and enjoy every moment.        She took the time to change my life - one little heartbeat at a time.