Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's November - A Month of Gratitude

Always working towards goals in not only my business, but in my personal life, I frequently meet with other business owners as a way of being held accountable for achieving those goals.    This month, it was agreed upon that we would journal or list things each day that we are grateful for.     Since it is November 1st, it's time to get started.      You can keep up with my list on Facebook or check in here every few days as I work on my list daily.    And, if you would like to join in on the challenge, I'd love to hear from you.    

To start off, I'm grateful for my faith in God. Without this faith, I'm can't begin to comprehend where I would be right now. There are so many things that can keep you up at night - fear and worry to name a few and to be honest, they have kept me up on many occasions. Instead, I have had to learn (and am still learning) to put my trust in God and my faith becomes the most comfortable pillow I can rest my head upon.  

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