On Friday, January 20, 2017, the United States of America will have a new President and Vice President. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence will put their hands on a Bible and take the oath of office just like 44 other Presidents and Vice Presidents have done in the past. For me, I will be in the comfort of my own home praying.
I will be praying for both of these men. I will be praying for their wives and families.
I will be praying for their safety. I will be praying for the thousands of people that will protesting. I will be praying for the men and women working to provide protection for everyone in the DC area and throughout the country.
I will be praying for a peaceful transition. I will be praying that the new President and Vice President will look at all the needs of all Americans.
I will be praying for all of us just like I did eight years ago when President Obama took the oath of office. In fact, if Donald Trump would not have been elected and it was Hilary Clinton taking the oath of office instead, I would have also been praying for her.
It is not my desire to get into pinning one side against the other. In fact, I don't see sides. What I see is a family of the United States of America each with different values, but values none the less. It is not my desire to see people arguing trying to make each other wrong. It is my desire to listen to one another, support one another, show kindness, and most importantly, show respect for the President of the United States. I have not always agreed with everything that each President did or didn't do, but showing them support by praying for their own hearts was the only way I could wrap my head around things I couldn't understand and did not support.
For the record, I do not believe in sharing who I voted for. It is a personal decision for each of us and for me, one that I spent many hours praying about. I had to seek my own heart and my own beliefs just like everyone else did. I never appreciate anyone tellling me who I should or should not vote for. We each have our own thoughts and our own gifts that we like to share with the world. When attempting to change someone's mind or thoughts, it is like telling them that they aren't important.
And, that is never true.
There will be protests throughout the country on Friday. Some I agree with and some I don't, but I will show them respect because they are sharing what they believe to be true in their own hearts. There were women that protested and earned each women in the United States the right to vote. And, that is also important.
On Friday, I will be spending a good part of my day in prayer. It is important to me that we have this right here and I will use it for each person that lives in this great land. I will pray for Donald Trump. I will pray for Mike Pence. I will pray for the protestors. I will pray for all of the Nation.
I will pray for my family and I will pray for yours because:
I believe in you.
I believe in your rights.
I believe in our country.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
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