Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Food Pantry Networking

As a business owner, networking with other businesses in your local area is a very inexpensive way to market your business.    It is also a way to build trust with other business owners in your community.    

Because Balanced Care is a small business, I have to be mindful of a small business budget.     I have become involved with Rotary, local Chambers, and women's networking groups.    Belonging to these groups has given me the opportunity to do things that touch my heart.    For instance, with Rotary, volunteering at a local homeless shelter and taking part in a clothing drive for school age students.    With the local chamber I belong to (Greater Barrington Chamber of Commerce), serving on the board of directors allows me to give a voice to the members.      One of the committees that meets regularly is the Member Outreach Team and together we work to stay in touch with the members making sure they take advantage of all the Chamber can help them with.   

Each month, the Chamber hosts a luncheon that allows members to get together, network, talk about their business, and have lunch at the same time.     The Chamber does encourage members to bring a food item/items for the local food pantry if they desire as well.     In the past, some members have used the food items they brought in to give a one minute commercial about their business.     This is harder than it seems, but after some thought, I came up with an idea and tried to out today.    The food items that I used are in paragraphs.   

Here it is:

I am Terri Trepanier with Balanced Care Health and Supplemental Insurance.    Licensed in both Maine and NH, Balanced Care offers health and life insurance products that include health, dental, life, Medicare, and supplemental plans such as accident and cancer plans.    

Do you have an Uncle (Uncle Ben's rice) that is self-employed and looking for health insurance?  

Do you have an Aunt (Aunt Jemima's pancake mix) that has a business and wants to provide health benefits to her employeees?

Do you have a neighbor, Mrs. Grass (Mrs. Grass's soup mix)   (I actually looked for Mrs. Fields cookies and couldn't find them) that needs guidance on her Medicare Supplemental, Medicare Prescription Drug plan, or final expense life insurance plan?

Has someone close to you just had a baby (Baby Food)?   Has your neice or nephew just bought their dream home (Dream Whip)?    If you do, it's a good idea to protect their most valuable assets with life insurance that will fit their budget.   

It always feels good to be out networking, but for just a few dollars to buy a couple of items at the grocery store, it was even more rewarding to know that someone would be fed.      At Balanced Care, we look at ourselves as educators and consultants, not just another sales person.     We appreciate being able to take care of another family every day and give them . . . .    Balance, Security, and Peace of Mind with their Insurance Needs and in this case, keeping someone fed for another meal.  

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